The Cask Of Amontillado Analysis

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The Hidden Death Holding grudges can sometimes lead to murder. In “The Cask of Amontillado” Montressor held in his fillings instead of talking to Fortunato and letting him know he did not like the way he insulted him all the time. Montressor only became angrier, since he held it in, and he then started to think how he could kill Fortunato to stop the insults and get away with murder. When Montressor ran into Fortunato at the carnival, he acted happy to have run into his friend Fortunato. He stated “…you are luckily met…” as if he wasn’t looking for Fortunato and had just ran into by accident. (Poe 165) Fortunato could not tell Montressor’s smile was actually a smile of evil because he was happy he finally could follow through with his…show more content…
He also knew Fortunato came from a wealthy and knowledgeable family who knew fine wines. Montressor knew Fortunato would want to be the first to sample the wine, Montressor thought was fake, before anyone else did. He used this knowledge to lure him into the vaults by telling him he had found this Amontillado that he paid a high price for without knowing it was a true Amontillado. Montressor stated that he was on his way to find Luchesi to confirm the wine. Fortunato, angered with the thought of Luchesi tasting the wine before him said “Luchesi cannot tell Amontillado from Sherry.” (Poe 166) Montressor remarked that “…some fools will have it that his taste is a match for your own.” (Poe 166) Knowing that Fortunato would get mad telling him that some people thought Luchesi was as good as him, would make Fortunato more determined to follow Montressor to the…show more content…
The festivities had caused chaos in the town and Montressor knew he could carry out the murder as he had planned. During his planning of the crime Montressor remembered he had to get rid of his attendants, so he told them to take the night off and “…I should not return until the morning…” (Poe 166) He knew they would go to the carnival and enjoy themselves and wouldn’t question why he was letting them have spontaneous time off. He also knew that no one would notice him missing and if he was asked where he was, he could use the carnival as his alibi. Montresor used the darkness and a black cloak to hide in the night so that no one would notice them walking together towards the catacombs. He had planned to bury Fortunato in the vaults because no one would think to look for a missing person in a tomb. Montressor successfully crafted his plan and for 50 years no one has found Fortunato who he buried in the wall of the
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