The 1951 Refugee Resolution

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UN and Red Cross had played and continue playing a vital role in humanitarian activities such as provision of food, cloths, shelter, health and sanitation. Most of these international organizations got their funds from western government. Refugees are midst the most helpless people in the world. The 1951 Refugee Resolution and its 1967 Procedure help protect them. They are the merely worldwide legal instruments explicitly covering the most important aspects of a refugee’s life. According to their necessities, refugees deserve, as a minimum, the same standards of treatment enjoyed by other foreign nationals in a given country and, in many cases, the same treatment as nationals (UNO, 2015). The 1951 Convention contains a number of rights and…show more content…
It also recognizes that international cooperation and support are needed to complement the efforts of the host country, which bears the primary responsibility for meeting the needs of refugees. Conflicts in Côte d'Ivoire, Libya, Somalia and Sudan alone forced more than 800,000 refugees into neighbouring countries, the highest number in over a decade. In addition, an estimated 3.5 million people were displaced within the borders of their countries, one-fifth more than in 2010. By the end of 2011, some 42.5 million people worldwide were considered as forcibly displaced due to conflict and persecution. They included 15.2 million refugees: 10.4 million under UNHCR's mandate, and 4.8 million Palestinian refugees (Ivanova, 2003; UNO,…show more content…
Its objective is to help refugees and other forcibly displaced persons rebuild their lives in peace and dignity. The agency aims to uphold the rights of all displaced people, including women, children, older persons and people living with disabilities. Its seeks to reunite them with their families, protect them from sexual exploitation, abuse, violence and military recruitment, and offers education and training, health services, etc. When there is a massive influx of refugees or internally displaced persons (IDPs) in a region, UNHCR can dispatch 300 skilled personnel in less than 72 hours following a crisis and leads the relief action to provide refugees and IDPs with emergency shelter — refugee camps, collective centres, makeshift shelters — and essential goods, including tents, blankets and plastic sheeting (Boin & Rhinard, 2008; Georgi, 2010; UNO, 2015). UNHCR also helps build clinics, schools and water wells for shelter inhabitants and gives them access to health care and psychosocial support during their exile. It coordinates family reunification activities and demobilization, disarmament and integration programmes for children associated with armed forces (Martin,

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