Thanksgiving Short Story

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A family gathers at the dinner table for the Thanksgiving meal. Before they eat, they join hands and say what they are all thankful for that year. The family cherishs the time that they have to spend with together because of the what the youngest girls says to her family. Tradition It was time for the Johnson family's annual thanksgiving dinner. The entire family had gathered and after spending sometime catching up with loved ones who had been away for a very long time they all sat down at the dinner table. The golden brown turkey that grandma johnson had made was mouth watering. The honey ham Aunt Jill brought was covered in pineapples and honey glaze. All along the table there were meats and dishes that covered everything from homemade…show more content…
I for one am thankful that I am surrounded by so many women that can cook. Secondly I am grateful for my health.”. He then cleared his throat again and looked to aunt Jill. Aunt Jill looked at everyone and said,” I am grateful that I have a job that I love doing. I am also grateful that I have my parents to ask for advice.”. She then looked to her left at her son Thomas. Thomas looked at his mother and then at the food on the table. He looked at her and said,” I am grateful for my mother who makes a mean thanksgiving ham. I am also grateful that soon this part will be over and we can all eat.”. Everyone laughed at his last statement, but his mother who squeezed his hand so hard it made him wince. With one eye open he turned and looked at his sister henrietta. Henrietta looked at her brother with pity in her eyes. She then lifted her chin and said,” I am grateful that my mother didn’t break my brothers hand just now. I am also grateful that he kept that pet lizard of his in it’s cage instead of letting it run free.”. She shivered at the thought of her brothers pet iguana crawling on her arm. When she was done she looked to her left at her father
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