Case Study Summary: The Anatomy Of The Liver

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The liver is the largest internal organ and gland, the liver performs over 500 separate jobs. The liver is the main detoxification organ. It`s the site of metabolic of different compounds. Liver participate in regulation of plasma hormone level. Also, the principal liver function is the synthesis of bile acids by hepatocytes, then the secretion of these compounds into the intestine [1]. 1.1 General Aspects of the Liver: The human liver contains parenchymal cells that perform many different functions fundamental for life. Hepatocytes have unique regenerative capability as well as a marked capacity to increased metabolic requirements of the organism [2]. The liver stores nutrient materials absorbed from the digestive tract as fatty acids, amino acids,…show more content…
The liver is attached beneath the diaphragm by its ligaments. The liver appears divided into left and right halves by the falciform ligament. The liver is divided into four lobes (right, left, quadrant and cudate), which are supplied by the right and left branches of the portal vein and hepatic artery. The bilie is drained into the right and left hepatic ducts. A thin connective-tissue capsule (Gilsson's Capsule) covers the whole liver surface [6]. 1.2.2 Ultrastructure : Hepatic parenchymal cells contain an extremely well developed organellar substructure that includes :- a) Numerous mitochondria : to generate energy by fatty acid oxidation and oxidative phosphorylation b) The endoplasmic reticulum. c) Lysosomes : contain proteolytic enzymes. d) The smooth endoplasmic reticulum. e) The rough endoplasmic reticulum. f) The multifunctional Golgi complex. g) Microtubules and microfilaments, [7]. 1.3 Functions of Liver: 1) Hepatic Excretory Function

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