Terrorism: The Causes Of Terrorism In Pakistan

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Introduction; This paper highlights the causes of operation zarb-e-azb and the problems of IDP’s. The cause of operation zarb-e-azb is the terrorism which has degraded the Pakistan in World. Pakistan is one of those countries who is facing the challenge of terrorism. The word terrorism is widely used around the world. Basically there is no Specific definition of the term terrorism. International law has no definition to define or elaborate this term. It may be defined as, the use of force to create harassment. According to FBI’s definition, Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof,…show more content…
Major-General Asim Bajwa released a statement: "Using North Waziristan as a base, these terrorists had waged a war against the state of Pakistan and had been disrupting our national life in all its dimensions, stunting our economic growth and causing enormous loss of life and property. Our valiant armed forces have been tasked to eliminate these terrorists regardless of hue and color, along with their sanctuaries. With the support of the entire nation, and in coordination with other state institutions and Law Enforcement Agencies, these enemies of the state will be denied space anywhere across the…show more content…
The government and private NGO are working for providing the food to IDP’s. The government of Pakistan don’t have many resources to provide food to a large number of peoples. Food that is required according to registered data is 4,587 tons per month. Peoples are not getting the food according to their needs. Registered families are given the basic food items like floor, oil,dates, tea and pulzes by the government. They are tribe peoples they have large families and the food provided by the govt is not enough for them. The peoples have to wait in lines to get food. Food is the basic thing of living and if the people dnt have food you can imagine the condition of the peoples. They are living a very miserable life. The government of Pakistan should take steps to provide them food. First of all the government should register all the migrated people and then they should provide food according to the need of the

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