Task Based Menu Analysis

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From my experience, I believe students often struggle to see a clear picture of their knowledge and skills. I attempt to provide students with verbal and written feedback as well as formative assessments to provide students with a clear picture of their learning and growth, but often times this alone is not enough. A differentiated task based menu will allow students to apply the feedback I am giving them to their learning experience. Students should be willing to choose a task at their level or slightly above. However, in order to be successful students must be able to identify their skill level and where they should go next. I will provide students with guidance, as a form of scaffolding, to choose a task at their level of readiness until they are able to choose a just right task (a task at their level of readiness or slightly above). I will use flexible grouping based on student’s level of readiness. To ensure that students are completing tasks at their zone of proximal development (ZPD). The menu will include a leveling system. Students will be aware that different tasks are more difficult than others. Tasks with one star will be the easiest tasks, tasks with two stars will be in the middle, and tasks with three stars will be the…show more content…
Students with higher levels of self-efficacy believe they can be successful if they work hard. These students see the direct connection between their actions and the outcomes. Students value tasks and show a higher level of persistence when they believe their hard work will contribute to their success (Schweinle, Meyer, Turner, 2006). In addition, students who report higher levels of self-efficacy have been shown to complete more tasks, show more effort, and engagement (Narciss, 2004). I predict including instruction based menus within the weekly math routine will allow all students to feel successful and form a since of

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