Five Phases Of Stage Gate Process

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STAGE-GATE PROCESS The-stage gate process was firstly introduced by Cooper in 1986 and is a conceptual and operational roadmap for moving a new product project from an idea to launching it. A stage gate splits the overall process into separate stages, separated by Management decision gates. In the stage gate process, every stage can act as a series of activities and gates can play as decision checkpoints. A phased method to investment decisions for development arose in large-scale projects for mechanical and chemical engineering, particularly since the 1940s. One source defined eight phases. Other trades with complex products and projects picked up on the process. For example, NASA practiced the notion of phased development in the 1960s with…show more content…
The phases are: 1. Scoping 2. Build business case 3. Development 4. Testing and validation 5. Launch Ahead of this process there is often an initial phase called ideation or discovery, and after the fifth phase the process generally ends with the post-launch review. Key new products go through the full five-phase process. Reasonable risk projects (for example extensions and enhancements) regularly use a reduced 3-phase version that combines the scoping with the business case phase, and developing with the testing phase. Gates Gates provide a point during the process where an assessment of the quality of an idea is assumed. It includes three main issues: • Quality of execution: Gauges whether the previous step is executed in a quality fashion. • Business rationale: Is the project continuing to look like an attractive idea from an economic and business perspective. • Action plan: Is the proposed action plan and the requested resources reasonable and sound. Gates have a common structure and encompass three main elements: • Inputs: Deliverables of the Project Manager and team. These deliverables are determined at the output of the previous gate, and are established on a standard menu of deliverables for each…show more content…
Poor projects can be rapidly rejected by disciplined use of the process. When using the phase-gate process on a large project, the process can help reduce complexity of what could be a large and limiting innovation process into a straightforward rule-based approach. When a phase-gate process integrates cost and fiscal analysis tools such as net present value, the organization can possibly be provided with quantitative information regarding the feasibility of developing potential product ideas. Finally, the process is an opportunity to validate the updated business case by a project's executive

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