Summary Of The Story 'Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?'

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All teenagers at some point, go through the transition at going from a child to becoming an adult. This transition is the most important stage in a person’s life, because it is the period where character and personality are formed. We all remember that period of our lives when we were rebellious and most of the time in conflict with the whole universe. It is important that parents should pay close attention to the development of their children and direct them, try to be their support and friend. In the story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Joyce Carol Oates touches on problems of transition from childhood to adulthood. The writer depicts the life of an ordinary teenager, Connie, who is in the search of finding herself meets…show more content…
Friend appears to be charming and Connie flirts with him. She likes everything about him, the way he dresses, his shiny car and the way he talks. The music, which she can hear from his car. Connie is very thrilled by the fact that Arnold found her.” Her heart began to pound and her fingers snatched at her hair, checking it, and she whispered, “Christ, Christ,” wondering how bad she looked.”(Oats 161) But she tries not to show that his visit means anything to her and appears to be pretty confident, when she asks him, “Who the hell do you think you are” (Oats 161). Being pretty good in deceiving people, Connie seems pretty calm, while her heart is pounding with excitement for a new adventure. She doesn’t see any harm in Arnold Friend, until she sees his eyes and notices he is older than he claims to be. Terrified by discovering true image of Arnold Friend, who masterfully tries to hide his identity under make up and wig, Connie subconsciously sees her reflection in him. They are both attracted to the same songs and are pretty good in creating fake images of themselves to deceive people. Arnold talks in an arrogant and vulgar way to show the real meaning of the

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