Summary Of Irony In The Black Cat

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A.) One thing I found helpful in the overview was the different approaches on using helper websites after reading the stories. Typically, I would always go to one of these sites to compare my thoughts with the sites information after completing an assigned story. The first approach was one I would almost regularly use except for taking a day to respond to the question. I think this approach is so beneficial to passive readers because the helper sites give information they may have missed while reading. Also, it brings completely new ideas and questions into the readers mind. Hearing different sides of things from other sources is incredibly valuable in understanding readings. If I find myself using one of these helper sites after I’ve completed…show more content…
Different types of irony include verbal irony and irony of circumstance. Verbal irony is when something is said, but the opposite is meant. This type of irony can be easily understood given simple circumstances. Irony of circumstance is when a character or person expects one thing out of a situation, but the opposite happens. This type of irony can affect the reader or the characters. One example of irony in The Black Cat was on page 138 when the narrator knew his actions were sinful but followed through with them anyways. “…hung it because I knew that in so doing I was committing a sin-a deadly sin that would jeopardize my immortal soul as to place it…” (The Tell-Tale Heart). The irony is that readers would expect the narrator not to follow through after he knows he’s committing a sin. One example of irony in The Tell-Tale Heart is when the narrator tries to prove to the readers how sane he is. “You fancy me mad…You should have seen how wisely I proceeded -- with what caution -- with what foresight…Ha! would a madman have been so wise as this?” (The Tell-Tale Heart). The irony is in that our narrator attempts to reason how sane he is by describing how wise and nimble he was in stalking his…show more content…
The constant pauses in the writing gives a sense of suspense and folly. This also helps the readers connect with the character. Readers are better able to understand and map out the narrators traits with the use of dynamic punctuation. I did notice the heavy use while reading the stories a second time. I also noted that it was generally used more around times of insanity. For example, just before the narrator would kill or even when he planning out the crime. In The Tell-Tale Heart when the narrator thinks he hears the beating heart of the dead old man, “I foamed -- I raved -- I swore! I swung the chair upon which I had been sitting, and grated it upon the boards, but the noise arose over all and continually increased. It grew louder -- louder -- louder!” (The Tell-Tale Heart). This scene is a perfect example of Poe using heavy dashes and punctuation around a time of

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