Sultan Center Case Study

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Beginning with the corporate history and its background, Sultan Center is one of the most known corporates in the world. According to The Sultan Center’s brochure, Sultan Center is classified as one of the largest retailer that has a diverse range of services and products across the Middle East and the Gulf region (8). Actually its achievements through 1997 to 2013 had proved that it is known to everyone and had showed that it is a reputed company. According to The Sultan Center’s brochure, in that period of time, Sultan Center had succeeded to own 63 branches in five different countries which are: Kuwait, Bahrain, Lebanon, Oman, and Jordan. In addition, it had 7 industries and 21 restaurants. Furthermore, Sultan Center had 10 thousand associates and 35 million customers in that period of time. In 2013, the total sales for Sultan Center had reached 1 billion (3). So according to these achievements, Sultan Center is considered to be one of the most famous corporates in the world. Sultan Center strategy reflects their priorities. Its vision and mission are all about how to be the…show more content…
According to The Sultan Center brochure, the organizational chart or the Sultan Center’s structure is consisting of five persons with different positions. Sultan Center’s board and its executive committee are consisting of diverse of directors. The first person that I am going to mention is Jamil Sultan who is known as the “chairman and the executive board member.” He also held the position of “managing director” (20). The second person is Ayman Sultan who is the “vice chairman and group chief executive officer” (20). The third person is Fawzi Sultan who is the “non-executive board member” (20). The fourth and the fifth person who are Wesley Wright and Victor Gonzales are having the same position in the corporate which is “independent board member” (20). So the Sultan Center structure consists of these

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