Ethno Cultural Diversity

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18 Ethno Cultural Differentiation in the Usage of Jamu As second megabiodiversity country, Indonesia is the melting pot of people, comprising a great variety of ethnicities, cultures, languages and belief systems. Globalization, free flow of goods, services and human asset, as well the modern lifestyles are changing the culture of food, health and beauty care in Indonesia. Fast food and chemical modern medicines are becoming more popular than traditional food and herbal medicines, which create health problem, as there is a strong relationship between food consumption, lifestyle and overall health. As rich biodiversity resources, the Indonesia food are the combination between the local eatable plants and other food ingredients, and cooked…show more content…
They occupy fertile terrain and have their own language and culture. Although they are predominantly Muslim, traditional beliefs related to farming and rice cultivation are intact. These include the worship of Nyai Pohaci Sanghyang Asri, which is like the mother goddess of grains. Sundanese culture is less rigid about social norms when compared to Javanese culture, and there is a greater focus on more equal rights between men and women. Traces of animistic and Hindu-Buddhistic beliefs can still be found in the culture. Rice is the staple food that accompanied by vegetables and shrimp or chili paste. Vegetables are considered medicine, and a means to health and beauty. Chili is a tasty addition to whet the appetite and add strength. There are three groups of vegetables. The first group includes those cultivated mainly for commercial purposes, such as spinach, cucumber, bean, and morning glory. The second is self-growing vegetables around living areas, like eggplants as a hedge. The third group is wild and forest-growing vegetables, like jombloh genjer. There is a saying: as long as there is nature, no one needs to starve to…show more content…
(The comprehensive description and the usage of the plants as traditional medicines in Indonesia), 2nd editions that published in 1983 to 1988 in Indonesian. Refer to jamu, she also wrote Eene nabetrachting (In retrospect) that published in 1940, where she justified the usefulness of medicinal herbs, that later widely known as the book on herbs. Later a book cassette in three volumes, titled De Indische planten van Mevrouw J.M.C. Kloppenburg-Versteegh (The indigenous plants of Mrs. J.M.C. Kloppenburg-Versteegh) is published by Bonneville in May 2000. Illustration The content of ?Wenken en raadgevingen betreffende het gebruik van Indische planten, vruchten? Klopenburg-Versteegh (1933) created the book of ?Atlas van Indische Geneeskrachiga Planten?. This book described hundreds of Indonesian medicinal recipes. As research on

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