Suffering In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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In the novel, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, one of the main themes that is present is the theme of suffering. Victor and the monster both suffer on major accounts. Their suffering is the result of their actions towards each other, therefore providing a continuous circle of events throughout the novel. Their actions do not only affect each other; they affect everyone around them. The pain and emotions that engulf Victor and his creation set the tone and vision for the story as a whole. Victor’s emotions and pain are derived from the murders of his family and friends committed by his creation. The monster killed William, Victor’s little brother, which led to the death of Justine as well because she was convicted of the crime due to the presence of a picture last seen with William in her pocket. Justine pleads in order to prove that the use of the picture as evidence is not valid. “…I am only left to conjecture concerning the probabilities by which it might have been placed in my pocket.” (50) She believed the murderer, which Victor knows to be his creation, put the picture in her pocket to set her up. She ended up being wrongfully convicted and sentenced to death. These two deaths could have been prevented;…show more content…
Victor created him, but while he gave him life, he provided him with an inevitable fate to be hated by humans. The monster was too hideous to even be looked at, and in return, all he received were angry remarks and acts of hate and disgust from humans. His physical characteristics “…only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes…” (30) After Victor’s realization of his creation’s hideousness, he abandons him. This action of abandonment propels the story and comes back to haunt Victor as his creations uses it as his reasoning behind his malicious acts. “For the first time the feelings of revenge and hatred filled my bosom…”
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