The Importance Of Knowledge In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Mary Shelley’s famous and most notable novel, Frankenstein , tells a gripping tale that expands on the aspects of life, education, compassion, and human nature. Throughout the story, Frankenstein explains the story of a young scientist, Victor Frankenstein, and his relationship with his creation, a powerful, haggard, tall, visceral, yet sensitive being. After studying at the University of Inglostadt, Frankenstein pursues to reanimate a corpse which he regrets later on. His attainment of knowledge at the institution only brings trouble and eventually, his own demise. This mighty, but dangerous cognition that we all retain may bring frightening, unpredictable outcomes as seen in Shelley’s novel. The acquirement of knowledge will only bring suffering, distress, and destruction.…show more content…
Victor, for example, sees his creation come to life and reposes temporarily to a courtyard hearing “...the palpitation of every artery…” and had “...sank to the ground through languor and extreme weakness.” (36, 36) He is overwhelmed by the image of the monster and becomes susceptible to extreme anxiety. This is important since he remains in that state throughout the novel. However, this alarmingly increases when Elizabeth sends a letter after being notified after Victor’s emotional state: “You have been ill, very ill, and even the constant letters of dear kind Henry are not sufficient to reassure me on your account.” (40) Elizabeth begins to worry for Victor, even if Henry tells her about him. This illustrates how distress can affect anyone directly or indirectly involved. As a result of the monster’s creation, Frankenstein will later regret his
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