Artificial Intelligence In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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Artificial intelligence is the thought that well-crafted computers can be mainly made to do useful work and other things that normally needs human smartness. The artificial intelligence is often seen in many wellknown movies and stories these days, such as Frankenstein by Mary Shelley or I, Robot and the Terminater series. It is mostly shown in the times ahead of us in two ways: either to tellingly better our lives or turn against mankind or to rule the Earth with their smartness. However, most folks often do not think that artificial intelligence befits real life, nor do they think it even is being earnestly crafted right now (Brown). It is always seemingly thought of as something that is just out of reach from us. The truth is that it is…show more content…
The monster always gets away with it and the blame moves elsewhere. This includes Victor, who is jailed for a few months because of his friend’s mistrustful death. The unability for Victor to bring the monster to justice foretells the scenario where there is barely any course of action at all to punish faulty artificial intelligence. The novel sends a hint that although it is the smart monster who does the harm, it is the crafter of the artificial intelligence who is held answerable for the doings of the…show more content…
This is shown by the thought of using fighting robots in the military. Mankind has often tried to keep away from direct warfare through entrusting the dirty tasks through other undertakings, but now has come to be able to give up all the might to the artificial intelligence. Fighting robots are artificial intelligences built for partaking in the gruesome battles of death and suffering, but without the sensitive and real feelings that men can feel after causing suffering and death (Garling). The artificial intelligence has to make the hard choice to kill or not to kill the men on the battlefields. The programmers who program these robots are not fully safe from not making any big—or even small—mistakes. Programming mistakes are unvariably going to happen. This can set us up for badness, which is why the international community is thinking about banning the use of killer robots (Schechter). This brings us back to the asking of whether the crafters of artificial intelligence are held answerable to their makings, but with more grave aftereffects. Not only are there liability issues, but there are also ethical issues with the crafting of fighting robots by itself. David Akerson, a lawyer part of the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, warns about how society is “...heading in the direction to give the decision to kill to an algorithm”

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