Success In Schools

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Definition of Success in Schools Albert Einstein once said, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” The definition of success in schools should not be defined by a grade or a test score. Like the quote above, if schools judge the student’s by their ability to receive a grade or take a test, they will not be recording what they can actually do. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary the definition of success is accomplishment of an aim or purpose. Letter grading and standardized test should not be the way to prove that, but the standard-based grading systems should be. The academic grading system that inquires letter grades should not…show more content…
Those in favor of these tests use it as a way to predict future success, and almost all can benefit from it. The problem with that is young adults learn at different paces, and might be better at one subject than the other. These schools expect students to be at the same learning level, and that is just not possible. Tests like these have a standard of the same types of questions for all students no matter what level of learning they are at. “These test do not account for the uneven maturation of children, but rather assumes the children develop at similar rates and ages. Intellectual development and emotional maturation proceeds in spurts and pauses; should a child be evaluated during a slump, his or her ranking will reflect no potential for change” (Schmitz 112). Grading a child’s work while they are in a slump could be seen as unfair or wrong, so to say. It wouldn’t be valid to compare a child’s test score while they are in a spurt, to a child that may be in a slump. Another issue that goes along with these types of tests, is the environment they are given in. Testing environments can be a huge deal breaker for some types of kids, and the hardest part for some is that it can change from class to class. All teachers might feel different about standardized tests, and that carries over into how the students perform in their…show more content…
Rather than be determined by two factors, a solution for these flaws in American schools is to use standard-based grading. The switch from using letter grades to standard-based grading has been a very controversial topic throughout America the past few years. Rather than to label students with a grade, the teachers would give a more detailed report about the learning target the child is expected to meet, and the progress the child is making while learning. It concentrates more on valuing the student, and not just focusing on if they can receive a good grade. “Brian Stack is the principal of Sanborn High School in Kingston, New Hampshire. We have grades like E, M, IP, and LP. They stand for exceeding, meeting, in progress, and limited progress. Then there's the category called not met, NM. There's the category called not yet competent, which is NYC. There's one called insufficient work shown, which is IWS” (“Common Core Standards”). This is an example of one school that uses standard-based grading and it is nothing like the letter grading system. It gives the parent a look at where their child is at in each subject and what needs to be improved. Standard-based grading can benefit the student, along with the relationship between the teacher and student as well. When receiving a letter grade it is hard to decipher what actually happened, because it might of just been the student didn’t do their
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