Student Debt In College

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College Student Debt Many college students find themselves stuck between the desires to become fully independent adults and not being able to afford the finances associated with it. Nowadays, being a college student and having a dream of graduating without debt is unrealistic. It is a vicious cycle. Indeed, in some situations student loans are the only route to acquiring a college degree due to the dramatic increase by the cost of everything. Also, attitude toward money has been changed, and resulting in many students become overspending. Therefore, students start owing money regardless of dire consequences. Today, it is not hard to see college students who are stressed with their huge debt due to the culture of indebtedness. There are, however, several different reasons why college students fall into debt; the most obvious reasons…show more content…
The idea is that in order to get better high paying jobs, most students see how it is important for them to attend college regardless of the high cost. Money is matter, so some students are attending college with high tuition because they think that this college will offer them a great opportunity for getting more and more money. Additionally, beside to high tuition, there are expensive books, not cheap dorm and also high –priced parking and so on. As a result, they resort to take a loan whenever they find opportunities to achieve their goals. Students remaining independent are another problem could lead to experiencing financial difficulties. Bing independent college students require a lot of responsibilities. Moreover, unfortunately not finding appropriate job to fit with students’ schedule could have also a bad impact on their financial situation which could result in taking out another loan. It is virtually impossible for some student to be independent and avoid swimming in debt due to the high cost of

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