Stricter Immigration Policies

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For my literature review, I decided to explore the issue that is currently on every newsstand around Europe, and the world, which is the refugee crisis. The theme that intrigues me, is observing what has led a mass immigration of refugees to emigrate, and what consequences it has had for the people, as well as the countries. I will also look into observing the multiple schools of thought regarding the consequences, which these refugees have been having on the places they leave, as well as those countries that welcome them. When there is crisis in third world countries, it always brings the possibility of people fleeing and searching refuge in a safer place. Countries that are considered safer sometimes adopt policies that prevent refugees…show more content…
The idea of people correlating immigrants and terrorists, has led to a dangerously inaccurate idea, that anyone that has an Arabic appearance is a terrorist; reinforcing negative stereotypes. Also we must consider that if the government singles out the whole Arab immigrant community, there will be no success. Meanwhile if they work together with the law-abiding members of the community, rather than alienating them, authorities would surely benefit in their quest to eradicate terrorism (Spencer 2008). Spencer also gives statistics in regards of what the American populate thinks should be done regarding immigration policies to fight terrorism. A great majority of the people surveyed supports the policies, the detainment of immigrants and even the use of ethnic profiling towards men of Middle Eastern descent. In the other side of the coin we have the UN general assembly. They made a case that the refugees that immigrate to other countries, are more likely to be the victims of terrorism, instead of actually being the perpetrators. The assembly wanted to disprove the idea that refugees would be the assailants of terror, since it would be a terrible irony if those who had fled from terror were to become unwitting victims of the war against terrorism (UN General Assembly…show more content…
The 1994 Human Development report defines it as “the legitimate security concerns of individuals who seek security in their day-to-day lives including protection from the threat of disease, hunger, unemployment, crime, social conflict, political repression and environmental hazards” (UNDP, 1994, p. 22). Now that it has been defined, Wheeler is able to confirm that in the Middle East, people have been living a life that lacks human security. The majority of the Middle East citizens have been in the middle of death and fear and that lifestyle is unacceptable for the sake of

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