Stretching In Nursing

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Pregnant women get recommendations from their obstetricians and gynecologists that it is important to stretch an exercise during their pregnancy. Exercises and stretches continue to help improve overall health as well as increase strength, and endurance during labor and delivery. Women who have stretched and exercise throughout their pregnancy also are better able to ensure the rigors of early motherhood. Stretching enhances flexibility and prevents muscles from tightening. Although the body continues to secrete relaxin, a hormone responsible for the relaxation of tendons and ligaments as the body prepares for delivery, it does not provide adequate stretching of muscles. Stretching also helps the body and muscles to handle the new postural…show more content…
During pregnancy the body is climbing a mountain every single day as it works to develop a brand-new human being. Just the act of climbing stairs is enough to cause an injury if the woman is not used to exercise and has not remained flexible. Stretching also helps women to focus on their body and stay in touch with how it is moving and feeling. This greater awareness allows for adjustments as the pregnancy progresses and also improves their perception of labor and delivery. However, before starting any new exercise program or stretching a woman should consult with their obstetricians in order to ensure that she is not otherwise negatively impacting another underlying medical condition. Stretches can help a woman to cool down after a workout or just help to relax when she's feeling stressed. Stretching during pregnancy should also be used only when the woman is taking deep and regular breaths in order to regulate the stretching that is occurring. Although other forms of exercise may require special kinds of equipment or clothing, stretching can be done anytime throughout the day and in the privacy of your own home. Stretching can be done at home, at work or any time you feel stiff and achy, which includes during shopping excursions or at the grocery…show more content…
80% of women who become pregnant will experience some type of back pain at some point during their pregnancy. The severity will range between a mild discomfort to debilitating pain that interferes with daily life. In most cases it is a result of changes that are happening within the body. However, it can be a sign of a more serious condition and may be a sign of labor. Any time a woman experiences back pain that has not been experienced before she should contact her obstetrician. During stretching the stretches should be held for 20 to 30 seconds and repeated three separate times. Women should never bounce in order to stretch their muscles because they are increasing tears in the muscle and decreasing the benefit to themselves as well as increasing the risk of injury. You can incorporate your stretches throughout the day to help with lower back pain, aching legs and stress. If your job includes you sitting down all day at a desk set an alarm to get up each hour, stretch to get out the kinks and move around to get the blood moving. Some very effective stretches can be done while standing next to the desk and holding your

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