Multiple Sclerosis Case Study

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INTRDUCTION Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS).(1) MS is considered the most important non-traumatic cause of neurological disability in young adults. It affects females more often than men and typically requires lifelong medical and rehabilitative care. (2) Multiple Sclerosis (MS) represents a considerable problem in public health because of the high prevalence and early onset, the long survival following diagnosis, and the devastating effect on the life of a patient and family. (3) Motor deficits in multiple sclerosis (MS) affect not only the limb muscles, but also the ventilatory muscles, both in terms of decreased strength and endurance. Just as muscular weakness in the limbs occurs early in the disease and increases as the…show more content…
The study was applied in El-kaser al ainy hospital neurology department, and the participants provided written informed consent prior to the participation in the study. .Inclusion Criteria: 1) all patients were clinically diagnosed with definite MS, mild to moderate relapsing-remitting type with appropriate attention abilities. 2) Expanded disability status scale; EDSS ≤ 7 (Ambulant, Ambulant with assistance wheelchair patients).3) free from any other neurological problems, medically stable and under medical control. Exclusion Criteria:1) Uncooperative Patients & patints with depression rather than fatigue.2) bulbar dysfunction which is known to cause respiratory impairment, or complaining of acute respiratory illness at time of the study (Recent chest infection) or acute severe respiratory dysfunction. 3)patients with previous history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic bronchitis, Tuberculosis and any abnormalities in chest X ray or cardiac dysfunction, aneurism , psychiatric condition and uncontrolled

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