Episodic Stress Theory

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Every individual experiences hardships in life. These hardships can lead them to be stressed out, depressed, or even death when extreme. Stress is inevitable. Individuals will experience this in one time or the other time. Australian Psychological Society (2012) defines stress as “a feeling of being overloaded, wound-up tight, tense and worried”. It could either be positive or negative. Positive stress is when the stressor itself motivates us to do a specific task and finished it, whereas the negative stress is when it harms us and can make us dysfunctional. Stress might also be caused by fear, danger, threat, news, illness, and whatnots. Stress has three (3) different types: acute stress, episodic stress, and chronic stress. Acute Stress occurs only at a very short time and most widely experienced because it is caused by pressures and demands an individual encounters in their daily lives. Episodic stress is caused by…show more content…
His model states that when an organism (human or animal) is threatened, it will lead to a three-stage bodily response: a) Alarm b) Resistance c) Exhaustion In the first stage, Alarm, when the body encounters a threat or stressor it will respond with a fight or flight response and the sympathetic nervous system will be activated. Body’s different resources are now activated. Moving on with the second stage, Resistance, the parasympathetic nervous system is restoring the normal physiological functions of the body while it is concentrating its resources against the threat/ stressor. The body stay at red alert with increase of heart rate and blood pressure. And with the last stage is Exhaustion: when the stressor does not stop and the body reaches its capacity, the organism will exhaust its resources and he/ she will be vulnerable to harm, disease or death. Operational

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