Prescriptive School Of Strategy Analysis

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. The similarities and differences between prescriptive and descriptive schools of strategy Both prescriptive and descriptive schools of strategy do not engage to a fixed, repetitive strategic planning because managers using descriptive analysis are willing to receive the unpredictability of decision making process. Otherwise, managers using prescriptive analysis supposed that the strategies will be designed thoughtfully in advance, and they are not taking considerations of changing factors as well.. The prescriptive school of strategy could be illustrated as a separated and logical process of a top-down coherent development and execution of strategies which involves to the mission, vision and goals of a business. This process is sustained…show more content…
In the prescriptive analysis, the business performance will be improved greatly if top management formulating strategy. However, it is not totally advanced at all if managers would like to advance operating concerns in the descriptive analysis, and the success of business is based on the manager or leader’s learning experience in the past. 3. The strategic lenses Johnson, G., Whittington, R., and Scholes, K have proposed slightly differences approach to perceptive strategy development. It is also suggested that there are three different ways of examining strategy management and, depending on situations; each style might be apposite as its own way to school of thoughts on strategy. Besides, the term “strategy lenses” is used to describe these three ways of exploring strategy development. Strategy lenses can be classified as: strategy as design, strategy as experience, and strategy as ideas (Johnson, G., Scholes, K. & Whittington, R., 2013). Strategy as…show more content…
The strategic planning could support In describing the sources and implementation logically. Moreover, it considers planning as the emergence of succession and improvement from diversity and a range which exists outside and inside business, but it is not particularly well-suited to whole innovation and other fundamental vision as well as mission. The features of determining strategy as ideas might include: • Strategy development must be dependent on radical new ideas. These do not essentially originate from top managers. Any individual within business structure could produce ground-breaking

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