Strategic Family Therapy

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Week Four - Structural Family Theory Ashlee Pinyan UWA Introduction The term Strategic Family Therapy is based primarily on the specific therapy of a problem within a family. It is basically used to remedy a specific problem using pin pointed strategies. The main strategist is the therapist who designs the treatment and then is responsible for the therapy. The first step is to assess the client and determine the needs. Strategic Therapists do not use the client’s relationships and individual personality to reach goals; they instead rely on strategies that focus on the specific problem. This method allowed a trust to establish between the client and the therapist. There were two main researching therapists responsible for the rise of strategic family therapy. These were Haley and Madanes. These…show more content…
There are 5 stages of the first sessions. The first stage is the brief therapy stage. It is primarily used to observe the interaction between the family members. The therapist focuses on creating an open and peaceful mood for the family’s session. The counselor makes every attempt to get every family member to be involved in the session. The second stage is known as the problem stage. This is the stage in which the counselor or therapist asked the questions that lead them to the root of the problem. This is the time in the treatment when the therapist decides what the problem is and why they are actually there. The third stage is the interactional stage. This is when the family unit is encouraged to talk about the problem that was identified. The therapist listens to the discussions and also gets insight into the family make up. The dynamics of the family are important in determining the hierarchy that has developed. It also is important because there may be alliances between certain family

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