Transgenerational Family Therapies

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Transgenerational or intergenerational family therapies usually attend to dynamics through more than two generations. Though other family therapies, such as structural or strategic, may seem to dynamics through two generations, (parent-child) in the present, the transgenerational therapies are more involved in how the past affects the present. These therapists are fascinated in how families, across generations, develop habits of behaving and replying to stress in ways that avoid healthy development in the way decide past issues and communicate in their families, disturbed individuals in families can develop new ways of interacting. Transgenerational approaches offer a psychoanalytically influenced historical perspective to current family living problems by attending specifically to family relational patterns over de-cades. Advocates of this view believe current family patterns are embedded in unresolved issues in the families of origin. That is not to say that earlier generations cause the problems of cur-rent families, but rather that they tend to remain unsettled and thus persist and repeat in pat-terns that span generations. How today’s family members form attachments, manage intimacy, deal with power, and resolve conflict, and so on, may…show more content…
Every family is different, develops, and grows differently as well. Whenever there may be a lack of difference within the original family origin, the children are the ones to emotionally respond. These children are tend to become over involved or they are emotionally cut off from their parents. Emotional cutoff usually shows how people deal with anxiety between generations. The greater the level of emotional blend between parents and children, there is a better chance for an emotional cutoff. To manage with this stress, people tend to move away to make distance or avoid the chance and possibility that they will be emotionally sucked into the

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