Story Of An Hour Literary Analysis

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In the stories, "The Yellow Wallpaper," written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "The Story of an Hour," written by Kate Chopin, and "Seventeen Syllables," written by Hisaye Yamamoto, each story on women's self-fulfillment, in my perspective, are similar. Self-fulfillment is the act of fulfilling one's ambitions through one's own achievement. These women were kept in such a child state of ignorance and had no self-control preventing them to fulfill their deepest desires. In each story one can observe the domination and oppressiveness the male role takes part in over the woman and the woman's yearning. To begin with the story, "The Yellow Wallpaper", the narrator has no say not only in her marriage but also in her own life. John treats her as a " wife" and not as a person. It's important to realize during this time period that if a woman was a wife, she is most likely not able to be independent now that she has a partner to "help" her. As you know the narrator begins to imagine objects such as "a creeping woman" and "cages" or "bars" that resemble a jail of some sort. As she speaks to John about this occult wallpaper, he neglects her opinion, forcing her to hide her feelings. She then continues to withdraw…show more content…
Mrs.Hayashi is interested in writing haikus but Mr.Hayashi is not appreciative of his wifes poetic talent and neglects her work, demanding her to instead focus on their job. When Mr.Hayashi destroys the painting he causes agony to not only Mrs.Hayashi but also their daughter Rosie. This act of destructiveness that Mr.Hayashi is displaying influences the idea of how men are over women in a marriage. Mrs.Hayashi advises Rosie to never marry due to the challenges she has experienced. She goes through a loveless, brutal, incompatible, violent marriage with this dominating man. Mrs.Hayashi did not live well and wasn't able to fulfill her passion of writing

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