Stereotypes Of Women In Advertising

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The true worth of women is overshadowed by the stereotype of being housewives, which is proven in the text of the ad. The detail that outshine the most in this ad was the first line of the statement, “This Mother’s Day.” The ad was supposed to praise and celebrated women, but instead it unconsciously degraded them. Right underneath that statement in smaller and brighter color words, it stated, “Get back to the job that really matters.” He is demanding the women in the ad to go do her “job”, which for him, her job is to clean. This type of treatment towards women makes them feel worthless, like they are only used to do household chores. It is basically telling women that they are good for is taking care of the house and cleaning, which it is also shown by the big picture…show more content…
After the man demands both females to clean the house, they followed his command. Both had a big, bright smile in their face while cleaning like it was their normal day to day routine. The smile was used to downplay the meaning of this add, by making both females seem like they are doing something that they enjoy. “When women are shown in position of powerless, submission, or subjugation, the message to men is clear: women are always available as the target of aggression and violence, women are inferior to men and thus deserve to be dominated, and women exist to fulfill the needs of men” (Kilbourne, 477). Submission is clearly show in this ad by both females obeying the males orders, which makes male believe that they are dominant. Also, Kilbourne statement proves that ads like Mr. Cleans negatively influences man and the new generation of kids by teaching them to treat people base on stereotypes and by keeping the old stereotype alive, of women doing whatever the man

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