The Negative Impacts Of Advertising In The 1920's

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Advertisement has played a big role for a very long period. In the era of 1920s, they are much more dissimilar compare to the ones we see every day. However, they have always been detrimental to people in the society. Many people may think that the purpose of an advertisement is to persuade or convey people to buy their product. However, they do not know some of the negative impacts that can effect someone’s live and their lifestyle. Especially in around World War I, advertisement often shows stereotypes that mostly include racial or gender, they often manipulate their costumer to buy their product, and they mostly display a false statement in the advertising. Advertisement can be beneficial, but not when the message in it is improper especially for the children. In the Pre-Civil Rights time period, advertising had numerous inappropriate messages such as toddlers should start drinking soda and cigarette as many doctors’ favorites. Advertiser who used an infant in their ad to prove the customer that their product has been admired even by the youngest age had caused mothers to pursue their infants to start drinking soda. Alike the drinking soda commercial, cigarette companies used young people to promote the product. Ironically, most cigarettes’ ads were promoted either by a doctor with a slogan “More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other…show more content…
They are able to persuade the consumers on useless products with just using words that attract people. Many companies in this era had been trying to sell products that cure flaws many people disfavor, for instance, “A soap that wash away fat and years of age.” (citation). Moreover, companies put false information to please their customers and to gain more popularity. The information companies put in their brand does not always true or accurate, which attract more citizens to spend their money on the companiy’s

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