Stephen King Accomplishments

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Stephen King is an immensely popular author who captivates audiences with his distinct and profound voice in his writing. Because of this, readers depend on him to create enjoyable, relatable novels. “Stephen King was born on September 21, 1947, in Portland, Maine. He graduated from the University of Maine and worked odd jobs while establishing himself as a writer. His first horror novel Carrie, was a huge success. He published his earlier work under the pseudonym Richard Bachman. Over the years, King became known for his frightening and critically-acclaimed titles. His books have sold more than 350 million copies worldwide and have been adapted into numerous successful films.” ( Attributing to his incredible success, Stephen King…show more content…
( 17 years later, in 1999, King was struck by a car and was badly injured in a hideous accident that left him with a broken leg and punctured lungs. He never recovered completely and in a moment of melancholy, thought of retirement. However, he later changed his mind and resumed work on his unfinished novel On Writing. He also wrote an account of the accident in the last book of the Dark Tower series. ( Accidents like these are likely to impact King and his writing and people will be able to relate to these accounts immensely. It’s these insignificant things in the back of our minds that turn out to be massive problems once faced head on. King brings these to light, and shows off the reality and severity of said incidents. Writing about it is one thing, but experiencing is another all in itself, and the way Stephen King uses his profound and distinct voice can really convey the pain and stress that many can relate to. However, a great voice is always diverse, as King has the same incredible power to make special moments that more special by way of his voice. Imagine the feeling when you hold your child for the first time, or that magical moment when you exchange vows and say I do. These are once in a lifetime moments and living through them is an amazing thing, and to relate to them by virtue of one author’s powerful voice is unspeakable. It’s not just the fact that…show more content…
A master at hiding in plain sight moves undetected in and out of the detective's life, all the while planning and scheming new ways to bring death and destruction on the groups of the people around him that he so despises. He lives at home with his alcoholic mother and the memory of his dead younger brother and allows his insanity and demented ideas to slowly drive him closer and closer to his own demise. He plans to kill Jerome's dog with poisoned meat in the hopes that it may throw the entire investigation off its course, but his plan backfires when his drunken mother eats the meat herself and dies. The Mercedes Killer, then embarks on a vendetta to personally dispose of the retired detective with a car bomb that, yet again, never reaches its intended victim, but rather kills Janey, Hodges new lover. When the killer realizes his error, he decides to make one last grand stand by staging a suicide bombing at a concert at the same arena where he'd committed his first infamous
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