Examples Of Tension In The Shining

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The Shining contains tension throughout the entire movie, leaving the viewer clinching the seats armrest the entire time. There are five types of tension, The Shining has multiple examples of each, making it an astounding movie for educational purposes. The names of the tension are straight tension, dramatic irony, suspense, mystery, and surprise. Each causing tension, however, each has its own way of producing it. Straight tension is where the viewer knows the same amount of information as the character, hoping for a different outcome for the characters predicament (Russell, Week 6 Lecture). The Shining used straight tension when Jack was interviewing for the job, the boss told the story about the other person who watched the hotel, who killed his family due to cabin fever. Viewers know the same information as Jack, hoping that he does not accept the job knowing he will most likely acquire cabin fever and he will too…show more content…
Dick is on his way to visit the hotel to make sure everything is fine, knowing that it is not. Jack is slowly starting to lose his mind and Dick is on his way. Jack does not know this immediately, however, viewers know there will be trouble when Dick arrives later on. Suspense is similar to dramatic irony, the difference is there is danger, and the danger will occur shortly (Russell, Week 6 Lecture). When Danny is seen with marks on his neck, we know the ghost had something to do with it. Jack goes to the room where we know is bad news, the viewer’s know something bad is going to happen to him causing us fear for him. Mystery occurs when the viewer’s know less than the characters (Russell, Week 6 Lecture). Danny knows everything about the hotel, due to the fact he is a shiner. Viewers don’t know what he does, leaving us in the dark. Danny knows what is in the room, we are left with wondering, until Jack enters
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