Star Fusion

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All stars are born from a nebula. Hydrogen fuels all stars. This hydrogen goes through fusion which converts the hydrogen into helium which releases an abundance of energy. This energy creates heat and light. When this process of fusion happens the size of the core compresses and pressure increases. The core of the star becomes more dense as the helium increases.The core continues to get hotter as the gas pressure increases and it turns into a protostar. After the nebula state, a star becomes a protostar. If the protostar gets to the point where it is both hot and dense enough the star will go through a fusion reaction which makes the star light up. The gravity of the star battles against the temperature-produced gas pressure that pushes the…show more content…
The bigger the star, the shorter it will live. Once the star starts to run low on hydrogen, the core will contract because of gravity. As the temperature increases because of this, the star can now fuse the helium into carbon. This expands the outside of a star. Once it expands (up to 1,000 times the diameter of our own sun), the star now enters the red giant stage. Red giants become this red color due to the surface being cooler than the blue and white stars, however they are still very visible. The surface becomes cooler, because the energy has to spread out to a higher area which lowers the amount of energy in one spot. Stars can spend anywhere from 1,000 to 1 billion years in this stage. As the outer layers are blown away, the core gets smaller and more dense. When this happens, the star is forced into becoming a planetary nebula. These are created when the dense helium core of the red giant is fused into carbon. This nebula begins to shed its outer layers by becoming unstable and pulsating. The matter in this stage travels over a vast area quickly. As the electrons compress as much as they can the star turns into a white dwarf. The white dwarf is mainly made up of carbon and oxygen, and is held by electron degeneracy pressure. The electrons in a white dwarf move around unbelievably fast, however they never lose energy. As the nuclei cools down the luminosity drops and the star no longer

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