information and collected evidence from scientist since the 1920’s. From the article I have gathered the empirical, objective, and rational elements from this particular discovery. April 26, 1920 there was a “Great Debate” held on the idea of external galaxies, also known as “island universes. The two debaters Harlow Shapeley who was going against the idea of island universes had a great deal of evidence for his idea that the Milky Way is 10x bigger than anyone has imagined concluding that nothing existed
It can be tough to find activities to do with your children that aren't boring or totally kid-oriented. You can spend 2 hours watching that Disney movie for the 12th time, or you could find an activity that you both will love. A telescope that you child can enjoy in the backyard alone is a great way for your child to experience the stars while you relax on the porch. There are many ways that kids can enjoy a telescope. We've narrowed down some choices for parents who want to expose their child