Nuclear Power Plant Advantages

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Since the beginning of this technologically advanced era, the citizens of Malaysia have been wondering if nuclear power plants will bring more benefits than harm if it were to be built in Malaysia. As countless researches have been done all over the world, it has been said to have more advantages than disadvantages. Despite a few major incidents have occurred, it is still a controversial topic. Nuclear capabilities such as nuclear energy brings more benefit than harm to Malaysia as it is very safe, sustainable and efficient. Contrary to popular belief that nuclear power plants bring severe harm to the human population and environment, nuclear power plants are actually safe as much thought were put into the design and operations. This…show more content…
This shows how unlikely the chances are for a disaster to occur. Aside from that, the Americans and Europeans have a procedure to follow whereby they have to undertake the probabilistic safety analysis or also known as PSA and must meet at least 1 in 10000 year damage frequency. Furthermore, nuclear power plants that were built are very well protected against any siege and also have workers that are in standby to resolve any emergency malfunctions or breakdowns. Aside from the design and operating systems, nuclear power plants produce less environmental pollution when compared to the burning of coal and gas to produce energy. As nuclear power provides low carbon source of energy, it is a good alternative that can be said as a valuable contributor towards the fight against climate change. At the same time, global-scale greenhouse gas(GHG) emission can be avoided that can possibly save millions of lives. According to the…show more content…
As stated above on the incoming bloom of human population, energy will soon become a serious issue and might cause a hassle if not resolved. People should worry less about the effects and disasters that might occur, instead should put more effort into research, proper planning and even seek experienced countries for guidance in all sectors in order to minimize the chances of incidents. As of current situation on coal and gas, they are becoming very limited and should not be depended on as in the next 30 years when more cars, household and factories will be present. Malaysia itself can be considered a peaceful country and geographically placed out of the ring of fire, if we were to build the nuclear plant with dedication and care, risk of accidents and malfunctioning will be close to zero and benefits will be
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