Standardized Testing Pros And Cons

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Schools and its teachers are measured by their students’ abilities to take standardized tests. If a school or teacher is effective, the students scored high, and ineffectivity is due to low scores. Standardized testing has only negative impacts on students, and is a horrible way to determine the educational quality of a school. A standardized test is “any examination that's administered and scored in a predetermined, standard manner.” (Popham) There are two types of standardized tests, aptitude tests and achievement tests. A standardized aptitude test measures how well a student may perform in a higher educational setting. For example the SAT and ACT are aptitude tests that try to predict how well a high school student would perform in college. Achievement tests are used to judge how effective a school is. (Popham)…show more content…
These tests range from elementary school all the way to graduate level college students. Secondary school level aptitude tests include the “Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT)” and the “Preliminary SAT (PSAT)” The SSAT is used to assess students applying for private or some public secondary schools, and the PSAT is a voluntary exam that helps students prepare for the SAT and helps predict their scores. The most common standardized tests are the Undergraduate Aptitude Tests, the “American College Testing Program (ACT)” and the “Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT).” Both of these tests measure the readiness of students to continue on to postsecondary schooling. (Structure of the U.S. Education System: Standardized
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