Staffing Case Study

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Case study Answers 1. Brief statement of the main aim of the article? Modern organizations struggle with staffing challenges stemming from increased knowledge work, labor shortages, competition for applicants, and workforce diversity. Solving these challenges requires staffing scholars to expand their focus from individual-level recruitment and selection research to multilevel research demonstrating the business unit/ organizational- level impact of staffing. In this case study, provides a selective and critical analysis of staffing best practices covering literature from roughly 2000 to the present. 2. A discussion of issues pertaining to recruitment Most definitions of recruitment emphasize the organization’s collective efforts to identify,…show more content…
The main emphasis of recent cognitive ability selection research has been to identify ways of using cognitive ability that do not negatively affect racial diversity. This issue seems to polarize the profession like no other, as evidenced by surveys of staffing researchers and a recent published debate on the subject. A closely related topic concerns applicant faking, response distortion, and impression management. The issue is whether applicants, who may be motivated to present the best possible impression, misrepresent their responses to such an extent that validity is…show more content…
There is considerable staffing research at the micro (individual) level and some staffing research at the macro (organizational) level, but each discipline rarely considers processes, constructs, and influences outside its respective level. That is, micro- and macro-level research is both primarily single-level disciplines because their independent and dependent variables are contained within the same level of analysis. Staffing may be one of the last holdouts to develop such multi-level theory. A need for multi-level staffing research, suggesting the very relevance of staffing may be ignored because of an inability to show unit-level value. They argued multi-level theory and methods would be necessary to truly incorporate an organizational perspective into staffing. If both micro and macro disciplines limited their implications to their respective levels, there would be no cause for concern. But both disciplines make inferences and assumptions that extend beyond their respective levels. This is known as a cross-level fallacy in multi-level research and occurs when researchers inappropriately generalize their within-level findings to higher or lower levels of analysis. Multi-level staffing models do not negate the importance of single-level recruitment and selection research. Rather, they seek to extend this work by articulating the linkages between individual

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