labor movement in order to affect related businesses and industries” . Controlling small businesses helped
mentioning about how the Popular Front was established in the 1930’s and the arguments on how the Communist proposed Popular Front as a strategy to fight fascism. Fascism was basically a government that was founded by Benito Mussolini, in which he had three principles for the philosophy. For one a dictator would rule the state. Two is that the state had to imply the goal of the government and its policy only. The third principle was very strict; there was no questioning about the government being tolerated
in a person’s arsenal of power. The famous saying “the pen is mightier than the sword” stands as such a common expression for a reason. Throughout history, words have been used to not only express but to manipulate. People like Adolf Hitler and Mussolini used words to distort their peoples’ perception of reality. On a less extreme end of the spectrum, encyclopedia salesmen use crafty language to manipulate potential buyers into long time customers. Whatever the case may be, it is clear that words