Kenneth Tighe ENC1101 Professor Odoi 23 April 2015 Reflective Analysis Back when I was in high school, several years ago, I was never too into anything that had to do with school. I always felt this way, especially when it came to English. It always seemed too complicated and boring to me. I wish I had thought different back then because it would have helped me an immense amount now. I have always struggled with English and now starting school again, around 8 years after I graduated high school
Abstract- English is a language that is spoken by around 360-400 million people on this planet and understanding it is not at all easy. The meaning of a sentence varies according to the context and the tone of the speaker. To convey the thoughts efficiently, the knowledge of the language and its various rules is very important as thoughts take the form of words and the words take the form of action. One should aim to minimize the errors while using the language. Lesser is the number of mistakes
lexical coincidences; up to 40% of the English vocabulary consists of words of French origin (product of the period when the Normans occupied the island). And both the French and Spanish are Latin languages; this indicates that we will find a significant overlap between the lexicons of both languages. On the other hand, English does not exactly belong to the same family as Spanish; while Spanish is a romance language (as French, Portuguese, Italian and Catalan), English is a Germanic language, thus kindred
will benefit greatly from Ben Yagoda's How to Not Write Bad. The book serves as a comprehensive guide on how to make one’s writing more effective. Readers will find straightforward, common-sense advice, easy guidelines for avoiding common grammatical errors and punctuation mistakes, and general suggestions collected from Mr. Yagoda’s twenty years of teaching advanced journalism and writing classes. Beginning writers will benefit from Mr. Yagoda’s recommendations for bettering their writing. He recommends
For many eras, different theories emerged to explain the development of spelling. One of the assumptions about spelling development is that new spelling skills develops at every age and children pass through stages in their spelling development. Researchers argue about the number of stages that children go through in spelling. For example, Cramer (1998) described five different stages in spelling development such as Prephonetic, phonetic, patterns within words, syllable juncture, and meaning derivation
process in which communicator tries to convince other people to change their attitudes or behaviours regarding an issue through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of free choice.” The key elements of a persuasive message are Audience analysis You can't persuade your listeners if you don't know much about them. Knowing your listeners helps you to shape your message in a way that's most likely to gain their acceptance. That's all the more important when your goal is to persuade, and not
INTERODUCTION : Academic writing plays an essential role in learning a foreign language. Non-native speakers of the English language should be familiar with writing processes, elements, and features like formality, objectivity, and complexity in order to use the language precisely and accurately. Due to the great value of writing skill, a considerable number of researchers have demonstrated various views regarding how to teach academic writing. For instance, there has been an argument over
Researchers began to focusing on writing not as a product but as a process, thereby decreasing the focus on grammar and spelling. In writing generating ideas through to editing of the final text is the process. The main role of the teacher first was foster learners’ creativity, and then to guide them in the process of drafting, revising and editing their writings. Based on this approach error were expressed in natural and corrected in the final stages of the writing process. Writing within an Interactionist
NIHS – ASSESSMENT POLICY OUTLINE OF CONTENTS 1. NIHS 1.1 SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT We are committed to empowering learners to reach their full potential through a holistic education. Our students develop an appreciation for cultural diversity while being prepared to become confident, responsible and active world citizens. 1.2 SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENT • Providing our pupils with learning opportunities that maximize their potential through a structured programme of academic and extra- curricular