Speech On Rosa Parks

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Rosa Parks “If success is defined as being well adjusted to injustice and well adapted to indifference, then we don’t want successful leaders. We want great leaders who love the people enough and respect the people enough to be unbought, unbound, unafraid, and unintimidated to tell the truth”-Dr. Cornel West. When we think about these type of leader; it makes us think who has left an impact or major influence on Texas or even just society itself. One person that might come to mind is Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks stood up for what she believes not only as an African American, but as a woman in many different cases. “People always say that I didn’t give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn’t true… No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving…show more content…
She influences Texas by being brave enough to seat at the front of the bus, because she fought for Civil rights, and she believed that all humans should be treated equally. Rosa believed that it was wrong to segregate African Americans. Rosa kept trying and fighting for what was right for what was equal. Even after the bus boycott she still experience some difficulties. “WW2 ends Rosa Parks finally receives certificate for voting after three attempts” (http://www.datesandevents.org), “The U.S. Supreme Court banned segregation in interstate bus travel” (http://www.datesandevents.org), “The National Committee on Civil Rights is created by President Harry Truman to investigate racism in America” (http://www.datesandevents.org), “U.S. Supreme Court orders desegregation of the public schools "with all deliberate speed". (http://www.datesandevents.org). All of this happen because of one incredibly strong and brave woman stood up for what she strongly believed was right. Influencing Texas and many other states to make a difference in the…show more content…
Rosa parks stood up for what she believed in and didn’t sand down for nothing. This has placed a major influence on Texas and we see this in our everyday lives. Sometimes as humans we take the actions that Rosa and many other people made for granted. As if was something that didn’t take hard work, sweat, and tears. However in reality we can’t look over it no matter how hard we try to. Even though that’s history Rosa Parks states “Each person must live their life as a model for others”. She may not be here, but she is giving us daily reminders of the change in not only Texas but the world. We can now say no more segregation, and more equal
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