Speech On Night Terrors

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I. Childhood sleep disorders are quite frequent in young children. My brother, Drew, was affected by a sleep disorder called night terrors. Childhood sleep disorders are a group of conditions characterized by disturbance, timing, and the amount of a child’s slumber. Most sleep disorders are caused by genetics, stress, or their emotions. There are about 70 disorders in total that a child could possibly receive and many of them are very simple to detect, cure, and treat. There are two types of disorders, Dysomnias and Parasomnias. Dysomnias are sleep disorders that cause someone to have trouble falling or staying asleep. Parasomnias are sleep disorders that cause someone to experience physical events while sleeping. Childhood sleep disorders…show more content…
Night terrors are mainly caused by genetics but can also be caused by much more. 1. When they are not caused by genetics, night terrors can be caused by the lack of oxygen to the blood. 2. Night terrors are also more common in females than males. C. Night terrors are most common in young children. 1. Night terrors mainly occur in young children because younger children spend more time in deep sleep then older children and adults. 2. They are so common that about 37% of 18 month year-olds’ experience at least one episode. 3. Many children have at least one episode of night terrors although many children have reoccurring episodes. IV. Sleepwalking and sleep talking is when the body wakes up, but the brain does not and it is the most common in children. V. Teeth grinding can be very painful since a child’s jaw repeatedly contracts then releases. A. Teeth grinding can be very dangerous as well lead to many severe problems. 1. Teeth grinding, also known as Bruxium, is when a child's jaw repeatedly tightens and contracts. The contraction then causes the loud, grinding sound. 2. Child is unable to hear the grinding but the next morning the child usually feels pain on their face, ears, neck, jaw, and…show more content…
Restless leg syndrome, also known as RLS, is repetitive limb movements that can be very painful as well as dangerous that occurs in adults and children. A. While having Restless leg syndrome, many people feel a tingling sensation which cause their legs to twitch and kick. 1. Someone who is experiencing an episode, is sometimes unaware to notice that they are kicking. 2. About 12 million adults and children in the U.S. have restless leg syndrome. 3. Usually if you are experiencing RLS, you would feel a deep ache in bones and irritation in your limbs. B. Doctors are unsure of what the cause is but the latest research has some new ideas. 1. One idea is that the muscles relaxe while sleeping, then something goes wrong and the muscles overreact causing the deep ache and the kicking. 2. RLS usually occurs in the early stages of sleep but can rarely occur in deep sleep. VII. Although most disorders are dangerous and can be very scary for the child and the family, doctors have created treatments to help get rid and cure their disorder. . Doctors have been researching each 70 child disorder and will hopefully have a cure for each one so every family can be happy. Many of the disorders have recurring episodes which can effect the child not only at nighttime but also during the
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