Bangsamoro Basic Law Case Study

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According to Hon. Mohagher Iqbal, the chairman of the Bangsamoro Transition Commission, the Bangsamoro Basic Law will replace the current Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao. The BBL will provide a legal entity for the Bangsamoro people along with their right to self-governance. The law will also secure their political future for their descendants. But who are these Bangsamoro people? They consist of indigenous Muslims contributing 5.1% to the Philippines’ population. A lot of senators, lawmakers, and attorneys are having heated arguments because of it. But it is a need. The Bangsamoro Basic Law needs to be passed promptly. It is because it is the first step on the peace process. The peace process will cease the war in the autonomous region. It will also stop the war between the government and the MILF (Moro Islamic Liberation Front). The people in Mindanao will have the harmonic community they deserve. According to Froilyn Mendoza,the founder of the Teduray Lambangian Women’s Organization, passing the Bangsamoro Basic Law will give them additional rights like the process of consultation with the population of Mindanao. Indigenous women were able to get involved in these consultations which included capacity building activities that empowered them to participate. Through these consultations, they…show more content…
When the irresponsible leaders of the country are the ones, who are starting the conflict, the people of the country should make a stand for peace. Until the problem is not yet resolved, no Filipino should settle for less. The leaders of the country must make their stand now. The proposed Bangsamoro Basic Law should not be disregarded because it is an urgent matter concerning all the lives of all the Moro People. This law will be the way to peace and the betterment of the lives of the Bangsamoro people,as well as the whole Filipino

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