Similarities Between Gilgamesh And Enkidu

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The longest and greatest literary composition narrated within the heart of Mesopotamia relates the epic dialogue of relationships not only among humans but also among nature itself. Within the intertwining of gods, beasts and common men lies an epic tale of the joining of two men from diametrically opposite corners of the world. Through their numerous adventures of running among the wild lands of ancient Mesopotamia and confronting the sheer power of merciless brutes, a transformative bond develops that is cemented fundamentally on companionship and humility. Alas, near the end of such an epic, one can extrapolate that there is a lack of asymmetry within the relationship and that Gilgamesh and Enkidu have become the truest of brothers despite their initial differences. Throughout the strands of human time, one can…show more content…
Initially, the civilization of Mesopotamia under the merciless eyes and judgment of Gilgamesh is no exception to this everlasting rule of despotism versus clemency. Brimming with arrogance and power,“…Gilgamesh lets no son go free to his father…Gilgamesh lets no daughter go free to her mother…by day and by night, his tyranny grows harsher…” In is superhuman nature and hubris, Gilgamesh fuels his pride from the chiseled and brazen figure that Nudimmud perfected for him; his tyranny and his superior nature knows no bounds as he boldly and condescendingly looks down upon the subjects that beg him to cease his rule. Yet, “…he has no equal when his weapons are brandished and his companions are kept on their feet by his contests…” In their unsatisfied

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