Essay On Tort Law

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English tort law concerns civil wrongs, as distinguished from criminal wrongs, in the law of England and Wales. Some wrongs are the concern of the state, and so the police can enforce the law on the wrongdoers in court – in a criminal case. The police does not enforce a tort, and it is a civil action taken by one citizen against another, and tried in a court in front of a judge (only rarely, in certain cases of defamation, with a jury). Tort derives from Middle English for “injury”, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin tortum, from Latin, neuter of tortus “twisted”, from past participle of torquēre. A tort cannot be defined by reference to a particular act or omission. It is only possible to define it by reference to the origin of the rule and the legal…show more content…
In the famous case of Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] Lord Atkin. The case was concerned with the specific question of whether a manufacturer owed a duty of care to the consumer. Nevertheless Lord Atkin’s words have been deemed to establish a general principle that a duty of care is owed to those who are sufficiently close to a person to be affected by that person’s conduct. The consumer, for example, might be many miles away from the manufacturer and might not obtain the product for a considerable time after it left the manufacturer’s premises. To succeed in an action for negligence the claimant must prove: 1. The defendant owed him a duty of reasonable care. 2. The defendant broke that duty of negligent conduct. 3. The defendant’s conduct caused the claimant to suffer foreseeable damage. For a long time contract and tort law have been common law. Though they both are two different aspects in common law, they may have some similarity. For such as: • Both are civil law. • The defendant will be sued by the claimant in order to ask for compensation, not

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