Speech On Earthquake

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Story #1 The crowd roars as they cheer for UCONN Women's Basketball to defeat Mississippi State University. The roaring payed off, as UCONN demolished the competition. Mississippi State women's basketball team sits in glum with their head coach after a devastating defeat against UCONN in the WNBA Playoffs. Tonight Mississippi state women's basketball played UCONN at their own stadium in Mississippi. They suffered a humiliating loss, losing 4-96, setting the record for the lowest points scored by one team in any WNBA game of all time. Unfortunately, they will not get to carry on in the tournament and must go back to the drawing board. A team member that specifically had some troubles was Amy Mcstew, number 68. Amy has been the team’s top…show more content…
It left houses crumbled, roads cracked, and cars flipped. This is the 15th earthquake so far in 2018 in California, and it is becoming concerning to all Californians, some have even moved out. Mcstew by far has been the worst earthquake, with a total of 69 deaths, and over a billion dollars in damage. All the other earthquakes in California this year have a combined 12 deaths, and 400 million dollars in damage. We spoke to the mayor of California and here’s what he had to say: “I love this state. I really do. Everytime the floor rumbles, a piece of me falls apart inside. I personally have sold my house and all my belongings to donate to my people, and i'm just sorry that I can’t give more. Us as Californians will join together strong and make it through this. My heart goes out to those that suffer.” Strong words from that brave man. As what Donald Trump had to say was, “I think of all the people suffering and it breaks my heart. I wanna donate a third of my money, but then I remember that California is very Democratic and if I let them die it would help my electoral votes for the next election.” Very controversial words from Trump. What Clinton had to say was, “I love California. We need to save everyone in that state. I recommend we heavily tax Texas to help pay for the damages, or even steal there oil and sell it to help, but that’s just my

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