Soul Food Analysis

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Although, many African American families were broken for so many decades, they resurged with a determination to reestablish a strong family presence. Many African American families typically have a strong bond that is hard to break. The film “Soul Food” gives a visual demonstration on the trials of an extended African-American family, held together by longstanding family traditions which begin to fade as serious problems take center stage and my upbringing is the reality of this film. I grew up in a single mother household as the baby sister to four brothers and three sisters. My mother worked two jobs as a certified nursing assistant to provide for our family. Our home was located in a predominately black neighborhood that included many drug dealers and gang…show more content…
They encouraged me to get good grades, graduate from high school, and go to college. Even though my mother moved me out of the neighborhood at nine years old, these men remained in my life. These individuals society see as dangerous and should be locked up in prison; I seen them as family. Society may also call the type of neighborhood I grew up in as the ghetto, I called it home, but the bond I have with my family can never be broken. The death of my mother forced us to learn how to create a stronger bond because she was the person that kept us together. She practiced traditions that were passed on to her by her mother and I will follow this tradition when I have my own family. For example, once a week on her day off she would prepare dinner and the entire family would get together, eat and update each other about our lives. As you can see, I did not grow up with my father and mother in the same household; I had had other male influences, but not my father. Unfortunately, this is not unusual in an African American household, but it was not always like

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