Socrates Soul

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Socrates is searching to define justice as the fundamental human virtues, which he sees as the states of the soul. Therefore, his justification of what justice is depends directly on his explanation of the human soul. According to Socrates every human soul has three parts. By describing the various human desire, he rationalizes the parts of the soul that identify reasoning, spirit, and an appetitive part of the soul which craves excitement after everything else, including the pleasure of food, drink, sex and most importantly money. He offers two general reason to explain why there are three parts to the soul. To start off he compared the parts of the soul to the function of the human body. He explains the fact that a person is able to move while standing still at the same time in the same part of itself. Second reason, he compared the parts of the soul to spinning tops moving but the peg still being still in its position. Further Socrates leads to distinguish between each soul. Socrates provides an example that thirst is just for drink but not any specific kind whether its good or bad. Yet, one’s desire of a drink being, “bad” can sometimes cause them not to drink. For this reason, it is not possible that one…show more content…
It is also possible instead of the soul having three parts it could be characterize in a way that each part of soul could be inseparable to form a unity. Also, Socrates argument mentioned about the desire for a drink but a desire of drink not being, bad is unsound. They are not opposing each other, his desire to drink is only weather he wants to drink something or not. If a person is dehydrated, he will not have the desire to have a good or bad drink, rather he would just want a drink to quench his thirst. Thus, they are not in relation to the same

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