Taft-Hartley Act Pros And Cons

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Taft- Hartley Act made big changes to the Wagner Act, giving the employees the right to refrain from participating in union or mutual aid activities other than to be required to become members in a union as a condition of employment. These amendments said that an employer could not discriminate against an employee for exercising Section 7 right. Unions were also prohibited from charging excessive dues and or initiation fees or causing an employer to pay for work not performed. Also supervisors were not included in bargaining units, and the Board had to give special treatment to professional employees, craftsmen. Congress also added four new different types of elections. The first election allowed employees faced with a union’s demand for recognition…show more content…
This law is only designed to help the unions; it does not impose any more serious penalties on unions even though they are the ones that are getting the cards signed. This law sets it up so that the employees can hear from both sides; it is also a way to intimidate employees to sign union cards. After reading about the Taft-Hartley Act, in my opinion I think that it was a bad idea that the Congress was able to overcome the President’s veto, because this act basically helps out the unions and no one else. Employees are tricked into signing cards. Employers don’t really have much to say, it is all about the union. Plus now if an employee works for a company that belongs to a union, they have to pay a union fee, because they work for a company and must belong to that…show more content…
Workers who consider forming a union today face an undemocratic system and are frequently intimidated by their employer. Unions raise wages and benefits for their members. When unions are strong and able to represent the people who want to join them, these gains spread throughout the economy. Unionized workers also provide a counterbalance on unchecked CEO greed and promote greater income equality. By passing the Employee Free Choice Act, Congress can support workers’ democratic right to bargain for their fair share, raise the wages of working men and women, and pump billions of dollars into the American economy. The bill would allow workers rather than corporations—as under current law—the choice to organize a union through a simple majority sign-up process—a system that works well at the small number of workplaces that choose to permit it. The Employee Free Choice Act would raise penalties when the law is violated, and promote good-faith bargaining through a mediation and arbitration option so that employees can negotiate a first

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