Should School Start Later Research Paper

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Your eyes are getting heavy, your eyelids start to drop and your head starts to fall. Your forehead comes down like a pebble in water. You are sleeping in class! Sleeping in class is cause by not sleeping at home. School starts way too early for kids. “An early start can cause sleep deprivation, which in turn can affect learning and health”, according to the article Sleep scientists’ wake-up call for later school starts. This means that when we need to wake up early, it can cause sleep deprivation which will impact the way we learn in a negative way. It can also affect our health since we need sleep to function. Schools will have less late kids to worry about. According to the article Up for debate: Should school start later?, “Recent research suggests that students would get more sleep, attend school more often, arrive to school late less often, and make fewer trips to the school nurse if school began just 25 minutes later. School days should start later for the benefit of the school and the students. First of all, school days should start later is because children can’t really wake up and feel energetic when going to school in the morning. They just don’t have the energy to make it through the day. According to the article, Sleep scientists' wake-up call for later school starts, “Most…show more content…
According to the article, Your ancestors might have walked three miles uphill in the snow to get to school, but did they have to do it in the dark?, “Recent research suggests that students would get more sleep, attend school more often, arrive to school late less often, and make fewer trips to the school nurse if school began just 25 minutes later.” This means that students would be late less. This is beneficial for the staff and the children. The students don’t have to catch up on the work they may have missed and the staff don’t have to waste their time worrying about the late

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