Sociological Analysis Examples

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The observations in music videos and advertisements can be compare and analyze with different sociological theories, terms and concepts. The first video I chose was “Fantasy Girl” by Baby Bash. The video has some visual content related to sexuality such as girls dancing with small tops and tie shorts. Baby Bash appears inside a car. He shows the expression of “exhaustion”, but he opens his window and start singing and explaining how a fantasy girl is supposed to be. As the video continues girls with lingerie start popping out, dancing and exposing sexual gestures. The interesting thing is that when the singer say “fantasy girl” they give more accentuation to black woman with curvy bodies. The singer also uses sexual expressions, as “You can’t…show more content…
This music video is full of skinny, blond and curvy girls. Britney dance with a small top and jeans, but above her jeans she has her lingerie. It’s an example of the social construction that develops social categories such as masculinity and femininity. While she dance a guy is sitting in front of her, and when she says some phrases such as “ I’m slave 4 you”, “Baby, don't you wanna, dance upon me” and “ get it” the guy look at her like he is hypnotized. During the video three men start rubbing, grabbing and kissing her body. For most of the video she is dancing, touching her flat stomach and making sexual body gestures such as biting her lips and giving sexy looks. This video emphasizes sociological aspects as gender-role stereotypes because they oversimplify a belief about how women have to be submissive to men and men have to be superior to woman. The interaction between Britney and the man who is observing her while she dances is an example of gender-role attitude since they show the beliefs in how a male and female personality, traits and activities supposed to be. In this case Britney shows a behavior of the submissive girl, but at the same time she is offering her body, which instill society to see women as sexual
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