Social Work Case Study

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1. How did the social workers apply their skills—such as engagement, questioning, redirecting, etc.—in order to expand the problem exploration beyond the presenting problem to more complex, underlying problems and solutions? The domestic violence session, the social worker, Sarah, remains calm with the same tone of voice when communicating with her client. She states who she is, her role, and the role of the other social work the client had seen before Sarah. The client was a bit defensive in not want to talk about her husband. Social worker continues to listen and communicate with her client showing no type of judgment. As stated by the narrator in the video, “based on the training and experiences of social workers, they are knowledgeable…show more content…
The knowledge the social worker has about domestic violence, she want to help her client, and family to be aware of the consequences of the violence her husband is exhibiting within the family. The social worker uses open-ended questions to get her client to explain information, or anything else that is relevant in their session. The more the client reveals, the better communication and trust that will develop between the two of them. I mentioned earlier, the client was a bit defensive. The defensive behavior from the client, the social worker continued to ask questions referencing about her husband. The client was trying to change the focus from her husband’s negative actions, by explaining about her family history about her, her father, and her brother when she was young. Towards that, the social…show more content…
The social worker is trying to develop a professional relationship in making her client aware that she is not alone in the process she is going through. It is normal to feel how she is feeling. The social worker is helping her client understand she has to make the decisions on what is best for her. Another important thing is that her client has enough time, and support to make a decision. Social worker reassures her client that she does not have to worry, and rush to decide on what to do. Social worker does that by keeping her client calm, and not overwhelmed by those who are giving her negative feedback about her pregnancy, and/or deciding for her. The client should not be influenced by anyone’s opinions, or decisions about her pregnancy. The social worker also wants to know if there is any type of support that would help her in her process. It is a way for her client to have another person or things that can help whenever the social worker is unreachable. 2. How was knowledge about ambivalence and specific risk factors such as domestic violence and teen pregnancy used by the social
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