Examples Of Ethical Issues In Social Work

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1) Zhang Jie is a mature and responsible Primary Six student who will be taking his Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) this year. His school made a referral and would like me to see Zhang Jie. I am a social worker in a community-based agency providing school-based social work. Zhang Jie’s teachers observed that for the past three months, Zhang Jie’s enthusiasm and concentration in class has declined. His grades too were affected. Zhang Jie expressed that he was feeling stress. He is stress with his studies as he is taking his PSLE this year; which is a major milestone examination. He feels the pressure to do well and not to disappoint his parents. If he does not do well, he has no idea how to face his parents as they worked hard to send him to school, yet he…show more content…
I am unable to decide whether I should inform Zhang Jie’s parents regarding what he is currently facing or I should not inform them at all. Ethical problem is due to the variety and contradiction of values within the society (Dolgoff, Harrington & Loewenberg, 2012). Ethical problem does not limit to the relationship between the client and the social worker but by may include, other participants (such as family, school) and the breakdown of agreement or consent. Questions will arise from ethical problems are for example; what is the right thing to do in this situation? How can a social worker avoid any unethical behaviour in this situation? In this case study, should I inform Zhang Jie’s parents, is it the right thing to do or obey his plead and not inform the parents? If I make either one of the decisions will I am able to avoid any unethical behaviour? I am also faced with an ethical dilemma, client self-determination versus confidentiality. Ethical dilemma occurs when a social worker has to choose to make a decision where each alternative will result in an undesirable outcome of one or more individuals (Dolgoff, Harrington & Loewenberg,

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