Mckinley Case Study Examples

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McKinley Case Study Wilber’s integral theory of consciousness is appropriate for the McKinley case study whereby the learner is exposed to the situation on the ground at the McKinley family. The hospice social servant is mandated to offer hospice services to the ailing 79 year old Ruth McKinley who is suffering from a recurrence of breast cancer that has now propagated to the lungs. At the same time, the social worker meets the second and third generations of Ruth McKinley who are all concerned about the health status of their mother and grandmother respectively. In chapter six of Hutchison’s book 2015 Dimensions of Human Behavior: Person and Environment the author shares the details of the integral theory of consciousness as developed by Wilber. The framework has four quadrants that comprises of the following four aspects; intentional, behavioral cultural and social. Markedly the levels of…show more content…
In social work the establishment of the path to the spiritual development of a client is critical in the facilitation of the prompt recovery plan which is the fundamental goal of concept of social work. There are four important stages that Ms. Ruth will be taken through in the process of her spiritual development. Subjective truthfulness will the first phase that is primarily involved in the determination of individual meaning and the sense of personality(Mizrahi, 2008 Pp 24). Phase two aims at achieving objective truth which is realized through the analysis of the characteristics of the physical body and general behavior. The third phase focuses on the intersubjective justness which advocates for the development of cultural as well as shared values. Social systems and nature form an important component of the last stage which results to a functional fit which is intersubjective (Hutchison, 2015 Pp

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