Social And Political Changes In The 1920's

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After 4 years of war, the conflict finally came to an end, and the 20’s were coming around. The 1920’s were a time of social and political change This return to normality was a great change from a military driven country to a normal and calm life in addition to this transition from a war invested nation to a more peaceful, the twenties were also a time of growth, in many industries, and a time of invention in addition to growing industries it was also a time of booming economy. But not everything was golden, the twenties it was also a time of public unrest especially in the political landscape, feeling that they were not being represented or that they were being excluded or abused many parties of people were unhappy with their current form…show more content…
There was a lot of unrest with the people at the bottom against the people at the top especially in the Maritimes. As the majority of people that moved to Canada moved inland more and more seats were taken from the Maritimes to help represent the growing population inland, not to mention many people were unemployed and those who weren’t had their wages cut. This caused a lot of anger upset from in the Maritime Provinces, as they were no longer being represented as much as they used to be. Because of this in the 1921 election the Maritimes voted for the Liberal party and the liberals won 25 out of the 31 seats, as they thought the Liberals would represent better, when that didn’t happen the Maritimes voted for the Conservative party, who won 23 out of the 29 seats in the 1925 election. Mackenzie King the leader of the conservative party at the time appointed British lawyer Andrew Duncan look for solutions to the Maritime problems. The solutions included assistance to the coal, and steel industries, lowering of rail rates, and improvements to ports. The Maritimes weren’t the only provinces that were upset there were also strikes that happened inland such as the Winnipeg General Strike, this strike happened because many workers had unfair wages and poor working conditions. The strike got so out of hand that troops were sent to Winnipeg to intervene, after…show more content…
The Persons Case happened when five women from Alberta fought legally an politically to have women recognized as people under the BNA Act. Women up until that point only had the same rights as men in that they would receive the same penalties as men would. Many people found it unfair that women could only receive the penalties and negative rights that men had, but be denied the positive rights, such as the right to run for political positions. This all changed in the 20’s however when a group of 5 women decided to challenge those laws. The group was made up of 5 female activists who had independent achievements but were most famous for being the five who signed the petition to allow women to be considered “People.” With this came many benefits to the female population, such as being able to go to university and to run for higher political positions such as senate. There was much surprise when this happened, but as the British Privy Councils said “Yes, Women are persons… and eligible to be summoned and may become members of the senate of Canada.” They also said “The exclusion of women from all public offices is a relic of days more barbarous than ours.” While there was improvement for the women of Canada there was still not much being done for the immigrants from Non European countries. For example there was the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923, which banned any people with Chinese ancestry from immigrating to

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